Does a Varicose Saphenous Vein Exist?

Objective: Duplex ultrasound evaluation of the clinically diagnosed varicose long saphenous vein (LSV). Design: Prospective, single patient group study. Setting: Department of Surgery, University of Ferrara, Italy (teaching hospital). Patients: 378 patients, 509 limbs with primary varicose veins; 94 patients, 103 limbs with a visible, superficial varicose vein trunk on the medial aspect of the thigh. Main outcome measure: Duplex ultrasound detection of a varicose saphenous vein and/or segmental saphenous dilatation and their relationship to saphenous reflux. Results: In 98% of cases the varicose trunk visible in the thigh was demonstrated to be a tributary of the saphenous vein; 34% of the observed saphenous veins exhibited segmental dilatations in the thigh. This finding was related in every case to saphenous vein reflux with high velocity and turbulence ( p < 0.0001). Conclusions: High-resolution ultrasonography demonstrated that when a dilated varicose longitudinal vein trunk is visible and palpable on the medial aspect of the thigh it is most likely to be a tributary rather than the LSV. In addition, a varicose saphenous vein along its entire length essentially does not exist. However, when a dilated saphenous segment occurs, it seems to be related to high diastolic flow velocity and turbulence.