Cross Sections ofCl35,37(n,n′γ)Reactions

Production cross sections for the Cl35,37(n,nγ) reactions have been measured at incident neutron energies of 2.54, 3.09, and 4.03 MeV. Angular distributions of the gamma rays have been measured at 3.05 and 4.23 MeV. Gamma rays were detected with NaI(Tl) and Ge(Li) detectors using pulsed-beam techniques to eliminate backgrounds. Cylindrical and spherical samples of CCl4 and C2 Cl6 were used as well as Cl37-enriched NaCl samples. Interpretation of the angular distributions and production cross sections permitted spin assignments of ½, 52, and 72 to the first three excited levels of Cl35, and ½ and 52 to the first and fourth excited levels of Cl37. Excitation energies of 1.726±0.004 MeV and 3.71±0.02 MeV have been measured for these two levels of Cl37.