Weischselbaum,1although not credited with priority2in observing the meningococcus, isolated and cultured it in 1887; thus he laid the foundation for the present etiologic conception of the disease. Jochmann3initiated the clinical intrathecal use of an antiserum evaluated earlier by animal experimentation by Kolle and Wassermann.4 Flexner in 1907-19085reviewed the entire subject of meningococcic meningitis and as the result of extensive laboratory and clinical investigations demonstrated the value of an antimeningitis serum in the treatment of the disease. He attributed the benefits of the serum clinically to its antibacterial qualities. This work has stood unquestioned, and very little change has been made in methods of preparation of serums, largely because the ability of the meningococcus to elaborate a toxin was not recognized. None of the more important articles on the subject, including the comprehensive reviews of Gordon6in 1920 and Murray7

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