Effects of the Nicotiana debneyi black root rot resistance factor on agronomic and chemical traits in burley tobacco

Lines isogenic or near isogenic for traits other than resistance to black root rot from Nicotiana debneyi were developed in eight cultivar backgrounds of burley tobacco (N. tabacum L.). For each cultivar background, a resistant and susceptible selection from the seventh backcross generation plus the recurrent parental cultivar were evaluated for ten agronomic and chemical traits. Resistant selections were statistically different from the susceptible entries for days to flower, total nitrogen content, and total alkaloid content. Also, resistant selections were consistently lower in yield, but the differences were statistically nonsignificant. Resistant selections were also taller in three families and in two families the resistant selections had wider leaves. Linkage of genetic material from N. debneyi with the resistance factor was suggested as the possible reason for differences between resistant and susceptible selections.