Anisotropic resistivity ofYBa2Cu4O8: Incoherent-to-metallic crossover in the out-of-plane transport

The resistivities of high-quality single crystals of YBa2Cu4O8 have been measured along all three crystallographic axes up to 450 K. Both the in-plane and out-of-plane resistivities show a distinct change in behavior on cooling from high temperatures. The chain resistivity ρchain(T), by contrast, obeys a T2 law over the entire temperature range. The caxis resistivity ρc(T) is almost T independent at high T, but as the temperature is reduced, the slope dρc/dT gradually increases and the caxis transport crosses over from incoherent to metallic, implying the onset of three-dimensional conductivity at low T. These measurements reveal that the nonmetallic behavior of ρc(T) in underdoped cuprates is not universal.