Ryanoid insecticides: structural examination by fully coupled two-dimensional1H–13C shift correlation nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

The two-dimensional pulse sequence, (π/2, 1H)–Δt1–(π/2, 1H; π/2, 13C)–acquire, for ‘fully coupled’1H–13C shift correlation n.m.r. has been applied to structural analysis of ryanodine (1) and 9,21-didehydroryanodine (2)(a new botanical insecticide from Ryania speciosa). This procedure allowed total assignment of the 13C n.m.r. spectra using one-, two-, and three-bond 1H–13C couplings, stereochemical assignments of protons, and some conformational data via relative 3JcH couplings. The structure (2) defined by n.m.r. was confirmed by reductive conversion into ryanodine (1) and 9-epi-ryanodine (3).

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