Microsurgical Reversal of Tubal Sterilization

Three hundred and sixty patients underwent a microsurgical reversal of tubal sterilization. One hundred and eighty‐eight (57.2%) of these patients had been sterilized by laparoscopic cauterization. In the majority (66.4%) the reason for requesting reversal was a loss of child. The mean interval between sterilization and reversal was 39.3 months. The postoperative tubal length was 6 cm or more in 74.2%. One hundred and fifty‐one (60.4%) of 250 patients followed up for 14 to 59 months have achieved 181 pregnancies. The postoperative tubal patency rate was 88.3%. The mean interval between the surgery and the occurrence of pregnancy was 8.9 months. The success rate was analyzed according to type of sterilization procedure, duration of sterilization, site of anastomosis and postoperative tubal length.