Adaptive Equalization Techniques for HF Channels

Data transmission at rates of 1.2 kbits/s or higher through voiceband ionospheric channels is subject to impairment from severe linear distortion, fast channel time variations, and severe fading. In this paper, we have focused on the performance of DFE (decision feedback equalization) receivers for communication over 3 kHz bandwidth HF channels. We describe the results of simulations for a wide range of fading rates on simulated and real recorded HF channels, using fractionally spaced DFE receivers. Both LMS (least mean square) and FRLS (fast recursive least squares) adaptation algorithms with periodic restart were evaluated, and both ideal-reference and decision-directed operation was observed. The results indicate that FRLS adaptation yields superior performance to LMS in rapid fading conditions, but that this performance advantage diminishes at low signal-to-noise ratios. Also, fade rates greater than about 1 Hz produced relatively high error rates, irrespective of which adaptation method was employed. Finally, a novel modification of the simple LMS algorithm which improves its tracking ability was evaluated. This involved preceding the LMS DFE receiver with an adaptive lattice whitening filter.

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