Prostanoid receptors involved in the relaxation of human pulmonary vessels

1. To characterize the prostanoid receptors on human pulmonary smooth muscle involved in vasodilatations, isolated arteries and veins were contracted with norepinephrine (10 microM) and vessels were subsequently challenged with different prostanoid-receptor agonists in the absence or presence of selective antagonists. 2. Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and the selective DP-receptor agonist, BW245C, induced relaxations in the contracted human pulmonary venous preparations. The pD2 values were: 6.88+/-0.11 (n=17) and 7.31+/-0.12 (n=5), respectively. The relaxant responses induced by PGD2 were reduced by the selective DP-receptor antagonist, BWA868C, and the estimated pA2 value was 7.84+/-0.16 (n=4). PGD2 and BW245C did not relax contracted human pulmonary arteries. 3. The selective IP-receptor agonists, iloprost and cicaprost, both induced relaxations in the contracted human vascular preparations. The pD2 values for iloprost were: 7.84+/-0.08 (n=6) and 8.25+/-0.06 (n=4) and for cicaprost: 8.06+/-0.12 (n=5) and 8.11+/-0.09 (n=5) in arteries and veins respectively. 4. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and the EP2/EP3-receptor agonist, misoprostol, partially relaxed the contracted venous preparations and the pD2 values were: 8.10+/-0.15 (n=15) and 6.24+/-0.33 (n=3), respectively. These relaxations suggest the presence of an EP receptor in the human pulmonary veins. The contracted human pulmonary arteries did not relax when challenged with PGE2. 5. In human pulmonary venous preparations, the PGE2-induced relaxations were neither modified by treatment with TP/EP4-receptor antagonist, AH23848B (10 and 30 microM, n=6), nor by the DP/EP1/EP2-receptor antagonist, AH6809 (3 microM, n=6). 6. These data suggest that the relaxation induced by prostanoids involved DP-, IP-receptors and to a lesser extent an EP-receptor on human pulmonary venous smooth muscle. In contrast, only the IP-receptor is involved in the prostanoid induced relaxations on human pulmonary arterial smooth muscle.