Tunable laser using micromachined grating with continuous wavelength tuning

This letter develops a method that is able to optimize the grating pivot position to obtain maximum continuous tuning range for a Littrow laser, and also verifies the method by implementation of a single-chip integrated laser using the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. The laser consists of a semiconductor gain chip, a microlens, and a MEMS blazed grating arranged in the Littrow configuration. The laser is integrated onto a single silicon chip while maintaining the ability of continuous tuning in a large range. It has a compact size of 2.0mm×1.5mm×0.6mm , and has obtained a tuning range of 30.3nm with a resolution of 0.03nmV2 , a maximum power of 0.4dBm and a side mode suppression ratio of 26dB . Other merits include fast tuning speed, improved mechanical/wavelength stability, batch fabrication, and low cost.