Moniliformin Production in Fusarium Section Liseola

Fusarium cultures belonging to section Liseola were grown on corn, tested for toxicity to ducklings and the toxic strains analyzed for moniliformin content. The only existing culture of F. annulatum was non-toxic and did not produce moniliformin. The 149 cultures examined represented F. moniliforme, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans, F. anthophilum, F. succisae and a sixth taxon of uncertain identify isolated from rice with Barkanae disease. The single toxic isolate of F. succisae did not produce moniliformin. The five other taxa all contained at least some moniliformin-producing strains, but differed in the percentage of strains that produced moniliformin as well as the amounts produced. Moniliformin production by F. proliferatum and F. anthophilum is reported for the first time.