In the present study we examine the steady axisymmetric creeping flow due to the motion of a liquid drop or a bubble which is partially covered by a thin immiscible fluid layer or film. The analysis is based on the assumption that surface-tension forces are large compared with viscous forces which deform the drop, and that the circulation in the film is weak. The latter assumption is satisfied provided that the film-fluid viscosity is not too small. A perturbation scheme based on the thinness of the fluid layer is used to construct the solution.One of the principal results is an expression for the drag force on the complex drop. We also find that the extent to which the drop or bubble is covered the film has a maximum value depending on the magnitude of the driving force on the film. In addition, we find the rather interesting result that when the ratio of the primary drop viscosity and bulk fluid viscosity is greater than ½, the circulation within the film may have a double-cell structure.