Replication control genes of plasmid pE194

PE194, a 3.7-kilobase plasmid, confers resistance to macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B antibiotics. The previously identified cop and repF genes of pE194 have been further localized by molecular cloning and mutational analysis together with DNA sequencing. The CfoIB fragment of pE194 is capable of autonomous replication and contains both genes. Most of this region has been resequenced, and two errors reported in a previous study have been corrected. The corrected sequence indicates that the replication region contains a single large open reading frame, which we propose encodes the repF product. Northern blot (RNA blot) analysis of this region detected six transcripts, all transcribed in the same direction as one another and opposite to repF. A 350-base transcript is synthesized from the region containing cop. No in vivo transcript for the repF gene was detected, but a protein was observed in an in vitro transcription-translation system which appears to be its product. An ochre mutation was inserted in the putative repF open reading frame, and a nonsense fragment was detected in the in vitro system. When carried passively on a pUB110 replicon, this mutant product appears capable of inhibiting pE194 replicons in trans. The pE194 origin of replication has been localized to within 200 bases.