Gibberellin (GA) and cytokinin (CK) were exogenously supplied at different periods of the vegetative development in Sorghum bicolor. Growth response to these hormonal treatments differed according to the developmental stage. This reveals the existence of discrete phenophases, each one characterized by a specific sensitivity to plant growth regulations (PGRs). Developmental changes in sensitivity were less accentuated in plants grown in optimal conditions than in plants exposed to 150 mM NaCl. Variations in organ connectance (the level of coordination in growth of the shoot, adventitious roots and seminal root) were analysed during vegetative growth of salt‐treated plants. This analysis shows a temporary decrease in connectance during the transition period between phenophases. From the effect of hormonal treatments on connectance, it was concluded that (i) the transition period coincides with a partial dismantling of the initial regulatory network followed by the emergence of a new network coordinating growth of the different organs; (ii) GA is involved in the process of emergence of a transition period; and (iii) duration of the transition period is considerably enlarged for plants exposed to NaCl stress. This dynamics of alternance of phenophase and transition periods enables the integration of the two modes of action of the PGRs (dose–response and change in sensitivity) within a unified framework.