Ipsilateral Ureteroureterostomy and Pyeloureterostomy: A Review of 15 Years of Experience With 25 Patients

We reviewed our 15-year experience with pyeloureterostomy and ureteroureterostomy in 25 children with ureteral duplication. Pyeloureterostomy was performed in 5 patients, including 4 with reflux and 1 with upper pole obstruction. The results were good in 4 and in 1 patient postoperative anastomotic obstruction developed. Ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy was performed in 20 patients, including 8 with reflux into 1 or both ipsilateral ureters, 7 with obstructed ectopic upper pole ureters, 7 with obstructed ectopic upper pole ureters without ureterocele, 4 with ectopic ureteroceles and 1 with incomplete ureteral duplication and obstruction of the common distal ureteral segment. At followup, which ranged from 3 months to 6 years, 17 patients had good postoperative results as demonstrated by improved upper tract drainage and absence of reflux. Of 6 patients who underwent simultaneous ipsilateral ureteral reimplantation at the time of ureteroureterostomy postoperative reflux was noted in 1, necessitating a second procedure. Ureteral stumps were left in 13 patients. Postoperative urinary infection occurred in only 3 of these patients, all as single episodes and 2 associated with persistent contralateral reflux. Significant luminal disparity at the time of ureteroureterostomy was noted in 18 patients and did not adversely affect results.