Observation of the AuXg dissociative transition in isolated O2− using mass-selected photofragmentation spectroscopy

We report the observation of the A 2Πu electronically excited state of the isolated, gas phase O2 superoxide anion by photofragmentation in the range of 4.5 eV, well above the onset of the electron detachment continuum at 0.45 eV. The action spectrum of O photoproducts displays an abrupt onset in the vicinity of the known O2 dissociation energy. Quantum yield studies indicate that the dissociative pathway is about 3% relative to the direct electron photodetachment channel. The angular distribution of the ejected O ions reveals a primarily parallel electronic transition (β=+1.2±0.1), allowing the 2Πu identification of the excited electronic state. This state has been observed previously in fluorescence from O2 in alkali crystals at low temperature, and appears to be the same excited state invoked to account for dissociative attachment of electrons onto neutral O2..