Animal models in xenotransplantation

The severe shortage of donor organs has provided a strong impetus to push the investigation into the use of animal organs for humans. Xenotransplantation will not only benefit patients, but also represents a unique and potentially profitable business opportunity. However, there are many barriers to successful clinical xenotransplantation, including immunological barriers, physiological incompatibility, zoonosis and ethical concerns. This overview will focus on currently available animal models used in attempts to break through the immunological barriers to xenotransplantation. There are many advantages to using small animal, namely rodent, models in xenotransplantation research. For example, the use of the mouse model allows the use of knockout mice and careful dissection of rejection mechanisms at the molecular level. The following models can be used to study hyperacute rejection (HAR): guinea-pig-to-rat, mouse-to-rabbit, guinea-pig-to-mouse, rat-to-presensitised mouse and rat-to-α-Gal knockout mouse. Th...