Decay ofSr100and a ‘‘pairing-free’’Kπ=1+rotational band in odd-oddY100

The decay of Sr100 (193 ms) to the low-spin Y100 isomer (735 ms) was studied from mass-separated activity produced in thermal neutron fission of U235. γ singles and γ-γ coincidence measurements resulted in the placement of 67 γ transitions in a decay scheme with 26 levels below 2 Mev. The multipolarities of low-energy transitions were determined from internal conversion electron measurements. Logft values were deduced using an absolute γ-ray intensity determination for the A=100 decay chain. The 1+ levels in Y100 at 10.70 and 974.61 keV each receive ∼40% of the β feeding from Sr100. A Kπ =1+ rotational band (with 1+, 2+, and 3+ levels at 10.70, 76.15, and 172.03 keV) is proposed which can be characterized as a nearly ‘‘pairing-free’’ band. Other levels in Y100 are discussed in terms of two-quasiparticle Nilsson orbitals.