Pain control: Mastery through group experience

A group program which is part of the therapeutic management of out-patients with chronic pain at the multidisciplinary Pain Clinic in Hamilton, Ontario (McMaster Division, Chedoke-McMaster Hospital) is described. The programm seeks to assist chronic pain sufferers in developing more adaptive coping styles. Groups of 12-14 patients meet for 9 wk, 3 h/wk, under the coleadership of a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist with backgrounds in psychology and psychiatry. Patients (75) with diverse etiologies of chronic pain have completed these pain control classes. Outcome was assessed on the basis of several parameters. There was a considerable reduction in depression, pain perception and analgesic intake. Employment figures increased from 20-48% after completion of the program; 21% were considered failures. Significant variables differentiating successes from failures were sex, marital status, work incentive, employment and absence of litigation or workmen''s compensation claims.