Short-day and Low-temperature Induction in Lolium
- 1 April 1960
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Oxford University Press (OUP) in Annals of Botany
- Vol. 24 (2) , 232-246
The requirements for floral induction of several outbreeding populations of Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum, and L. rigidum have been studied. Floral induction can be brought about by either low temperature (0–30° C.) or short day (8 hr.) independently, but short day is ineffective at low temperatures. The exact inductive requirement varies with the population. The summerannual Westerwolds ryegrass needs neither cold nor short day, the winter-annual Wimmera ryegrass shows a quantitative response, while the perennial varieties from north-west Europe have an obligatory requirement for either cold or short day before floral induction. This relation between the annual or perennial habit and the inductive requirement was confirmed in a number of Mediterranean collections of L. perenne and L. rigidum. Considerable genetic variation in inductive requirement could be detected within each outbreeding population, and rapid response to selection proved possible in Wimmera, Irish, and Kent ryegrass.Keywords
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