Theory of charge-density-wave superconductors

It is shown theoretically that the superconducting state coexisting with charge-density wave (CDW, its wave vector Q) is characterized by the spatially varying periodic order parameter Δ(Q) in addition to the ordinary uniform order parameter Δ(0). Perturbational calculation based on the linearized gap equation yields the depression of the transition temperature of this state. The upper critical field Hc2(T) is derived from the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation modified so as to include the effect of the CDW, and shown to exhibit a positive curvature in Hc2(T) vs T curve when applied magnetic field is perpendicular to Q. The parallel Hc2(T) follows the ordinary GL theory. Physical implication of this result is discussed in connection with highly anisotropic superconducting materials.