Effect of a slow release preparation of levodopa on Parkinson's disease in combination with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor

Plasma concentrations of L-dopa were determined after therapeutic oral L-dopa-carbidopa doses. The wide fluctuations observed in plasma L-dopa levels could be considerably reduced by the addition of a slow release L-dopa preparation. This kind of combination medication was given to 15 parkinsonian patients, whose earlier therapy had proved inadequate. With the combination medication, L-dopa-carbidopa, on an average 420 mg/42 mg combined with 950 mg of L-dopa in slow release form, a statistically significant improvement in parkinsonian signs could be achieved without any worsening of the side effects. Parkinsonian patients may tolerate much higher daily L-dopa doses if the fluctuations in plasma levels of the drug can be diminished.