Androgens are implicated in the development of prostate cancer (CAP) and benign prostate hyperplasia. The conversion of testoster- one to the more potent metabolite dihydrotestosterone by prostate- specific steroid 5a-reductase type 2 (5a-red2) is a key mechanism in the action of androgens in the prostate and is important in the pro- motion and progression of prostate diseases. Manipulation of the turnover of androgens is thus fundamental in the pharmacological treatment strategy. We have developed a sensitive solution hybridization method for quantification of the gene expression of 5a-red2 in core needle biopsies of the prostate. The 5a-red2-specific messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were measured in 50 human prostate transrectal ultrasound-guided core biopsies obtained from 31 outpatients (median age 72, range 57- 88 yr) undergoing biopsy for diagnostic purposes. Significant dif- ferences were observed in the gene expression of 5a-red2 between cancerous and noncancerous tissue. In the 14 biopsies judged can- cerous, the median 5a-red mRNA levels were 3.5 amol/ng total RNA compared with 12.0 amol/ng total RNA in the biopsies showing no cancer (P 5 0.0018). The median 5a-red2 mRNA level in noncancerous tissue was thus 3.4 times higher than in the cancerous specimens. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82: 2210 -2214, 1997)

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