Capillary penetration in fibrous matrices studied by dynamic spiral magnetic resonance imaging

The dynamic spiral nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging technique was used to investigate the water imbibition into cellulose fiber matrices. The advancing water boundary, water concentration distribution, and swelling degree within the fiber matrix samples were monitored as a function of time over the entire absorption process. A combined image that shows the time evolution of the absorbed water concentration distribution within the fiber matrix was synthesized from the dynamically acquired NMR image data set. The NMR imaging data clearly demonstrated that water imbibition into a fiber matrix consists of two different processes: water penetration into capillaries between fibers and water diffusion into the cellulose fibers. The advancing liquid front is primarily determined by the water capillary flow and can be quantitatively described by Washburn equation. The slower water diffusion process in fibers is mainly responsible for the fiber swelling. The time evolution of the absorbed water concentration distribution can be qualitatively interpreted in terms of steady capillary flow and concentration-gradient-driven diffusion into fibers with a constant permeability. The effects of pore morphology, tortuosity, and surface heterogeneity to the water absorption process are also discussed.