Hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:Putrescine Hydroxycinnamoyltransferase in Tobacco Cell Cultures with High and Low Levels of Caffeoylputrescine

A new hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:putrescine hydroxycinnamoyl-transferase (PHT) was detected in two variant lines of Nicotiana Tabacum L. (TX1, TX4) accumulating markedly different levels of caffeoylputrescine. The enzyme accepted only the aliphatic diamines putrescine, cadiaverine and 1,3-diaminopropane at a ratio of 100:33.8. Caffeoyl- and feruloyl-CoAs were the best acyl donors. The apparent Km-values for caffeoyl-CoA and putrescine were near 3 and 10 micromolar, respectively, at the pH-optimum of 10.0. PHT activity was quite similar in low producing TX1 and high producing TX4 cells, while some other biosynthetic enzymes (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, ornithine decarboxylase) were greatly enhanced in TX4 cells, suggesting that PHT does not catalyze the rate-limiting step in hydroxycinnamoylputresnice formation.