Immunohistochemical localization of chicken gonadotropin‐releasing hormones I and II (cGnRH I and II) in turkey hen brain

The distribution of cells and fibers immunoreactive (ir) for either chicken gonadotropin-releasing hormone I (cGnRH I; [Gln8]GnRH) or II ([His5, Trp7, Tyr8]GnRH) was determined in brains of turkey hens to reveal whether these peptides occur in separate neuronal systems. ir-cGnRH I cells were located: along the medial aspect of the ventriculus lateralis, nucleus accumbens, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; ventral to the tractus septomesencephalicus and extending medially to the third ventricle, and caudally into the lateral hypothalamic area; and in a diffuse band extending from the nucleus preopticus medialis to the nucleus dorsomedialis anterior thalami. cGnRH I fibers were evident in these areas in addition to the hippocampus, nucleus subhabenularis medialis, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, and median eminence. Two groups of ir-cGnRH II cells were observed: a magnocellular group lying between the substantia grisea centralis and the nucleus ruber; and a parvicellular group lying medial to the nucleus of the basal optic root and extending into the lateral hypothalamic area. ir-cGnRH II fibers were prominent in limbic structures (cortex piriformis, lateral to nucleus taeniae, hippocampus); olfactory areas (tuberculum olfactorium, nucleus subhabenularis lateralis, nucleus septalis lateralis); areas that in other avian species have steroid-concentrating cells or receptors (medial edge of lobus parolfactorius, nucleus septalis medialis, nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis, nucleus dorsomedialis posterior thalami); and areas containing ir-GnRH I cells or fibers but not in median eminence. These results suggest that cGnRH I and II occur in separate neuronal systems and that cGnRH II does not directly promote pituitary gonadotropin secretion.