Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in Drosophila mauritiana.

Mitochondrial DNA [mt DNA] extracted from an isofemale strain of D. mauritiana (subgroup melanogaster) appeared to be heterogeneous in size. A short genome [S; 18,500 base pairs (bp)] and a longer one (L; 19,000 bp) coexist in the preparation. The additional 500 bp were located within the A + T-rich region. Hpa I digest patterns suggest that the S genome may carry a duplication of a 500-bp sequence including an Hpa I site and that the L genome may carry a triplication of the same sequence. At the 30th generation of the isofemale strain, 60 female genotypes were examined individually. Half of the flies were pure either for the S or the L DNA. The remaining 50% exhibited various degrees of heteroplasmy for the 2 DNA types. Among metazoan animals, this D. mauritiana strain offers an exceptional situation with regard to the number of individuals heterogeneous for mtDNA and the relative stability of heteroplasmy through generations.