Glycogen metabolism in the prelaid chick embryo

Glycogen metabolism has been studied during the development of the early chick embryo, at the cytochemical and ultrastructural levels. Two waves of glycogen synthesis and breakdown have been found. In the first, free clusters of glycogen particles are synthesized at late oogenesis. These clusters are found later in invaginations of the membrane of vesicles containing a floc-cular material (FLOV). The glycogen clusters are degraded there during ovulation and the first hours in the oviduct. The second wave of glycogen synthesis begins before cleavage, reaching a maximum at mid-uterine age. This second wave occurs in another type of vesicle (GLYV), which eventually disintegrates releasing free clusters of glycogen granules. This glycogen is degraded in membranous structures containing a floccular material, as in the first wave of degradation. The degradation ends at the late uterine stages, and at the same time numerous ribosomes are formed. This period corresponds to area pellucida formation, which probably depends on the energy liberated during the second wave of glycogen degradation.