Inelastic Scattering in the2s−1dShell. II. Odd-ANuclei

The inelastic scattering of 17.5-MeV protons from F19, Na23, Mg25, Al27, and P31 has been studied with lithium-drifted silicon detectors with an over-all energy resolution of order 50 keV. Differential cross sections are presented for most of the low-lying levels. Using previously obtained data for the adjacent even-even nuclei, the results are compared with the predictions of strong- and weak-coupling models. The results are most consistent with strong coupling for F19, Na23 and Mg25, while Al27 and P31 seem to be more consistent with weak coupling, although extensive mixing is required in Al27. The differential cross section for the most strongly excited levels are compared with a distorted-wave Born-approximation calculation using collective form factors. Reasonable fits for l=2 excitations in F11, Al27, and P31 and l=3 transitions in P31 are obtained, and the appropriate reduced transition strengths are extracted. Previously unreported levels are observed in Na23 (5.38, 5.76, and 5.94 MeV), Al27 (7.66, 7.79, and 7.99 MeV), and P31 (5.34 MeV).