Primary chloronemata growing from germinated spores of the moss Physcomitrella patens adopt one of two preferred polarotropic orientations depending on the wavelength and photon fluence rate of monochromatic light. Growth is mainly parallel to the electrical vector of plane polarised light in blue light and higher fluence rates of red light, and perpendicular to the electrical vector in the green and far-red regions of the spectrum and in low fluence rates of red light. The transition between the two polarotropic orientations, at wavelengths where it can be observed, usually occurs over a narrow range of fluence rates, and at this point the filaments do not grow randomly but tend to adopt in approximately equal numbers one of the preferred directions of growth. The primary chloronemata are positively phototropic in far-red light and in red light of low fluence rates, but tend to grow at right angles to the incident light in high fluence rates of red light. Simultaneous illumination with a high fluence rate of red light and a low fluence rate of far-red light causes a marked increase in the percentage of filaments growing towards the red light source at the expense of those growing at right angles to it, supporting the hypothesis that in red and far-red light, at least, the responses are controlled by the photoequilibrium of a phytochrome pool.