A polymorphic structural rearrangement in the chromosomes of two populations of orangutan

A rearranged chromosome 9 was found in 12 of 23 specimens of orangutan, 4 of Bornean and 8 of Sumatran origin. Nine animals were heterozygous, and 3 were homozygous carriers for the variant chromosome, which was also traced in 4 other animals not studied by us. This type of chromosome rearrangement has been previously described (Seuánez et al., 1976) and is probably the same chromosome shown by Lucas et al. (1973) and reported by Turleau et al. (1975) in other specimens. There is obviously a very high incidence of this variant chromosome 9 in Pongo pygmaeus, and it is unlikely that it could result from independent rearrangements occurring in unrelated specimens from two geographically isolated populations (Sumatran and Bornean). It is concluded that the rearrangement is of ancient origin and that it has been maintained in the populations of Pongo as a balanced polymorphism. This type of complex rearrangement resulting from two pericentric inversions, one inside the other, is compared with certain sporadic pericentric inversions in the human complement, with pericentric inversions which are polymorphic in other mammals, and with pericentric inversions involved in chromosome evolution in the Hominoidea.