Anther-smut infection of Silene alba caused by Ustilago violacea: factors determining fungal reproduction

The anther-smut fungus Ustilago violacea sporulates in flowers of the dioecious host plant Silene alba. Growth chamber comparisons of healthy and diseased plants, with the genetic background of host and pathogen controlled, revealed that fungal infection increases the number of flowers produced per plant and decreases the size of individual flowers. There were few consistent effects of plant genotype or fungal isolate on diseased flower traits, but differences between the plant sexes were apparent. Stimulation of flower production is proportionally greater in females than males: thus, although healthy male plants produce many more flowers than healthy females, sexual differences in diseased flower number are reduced. Sexual differences in diseased flower size also exist, with male flowers smaller than females. A field inoculation study confirmed dimorphism in diseased flower size and demonstrated that spore production per flower was greater for males than females for all flower size classes.