The design and construction of it conductivity detector having a volume of 0.08 µl and a connecting tube volume of 0.36 µl is described. The detector is used to determine the extra column dispersion that occurs in the different components of a chromatographic system at the maximum flow rate normally employed with small bore columns (viz.20 µl/min). The correctly modified Valco (Houston, Texas) valve, having a sample volume of 0.2 µl, was shown to contribute 0.054 µl2 to the overall variance of the eluted peak; a capillary connecting tube, 0.010 inch i.d., contributed about 0.093 µl2 cm of length; a scintered frit, 1/16 inch and 0.020 inch o.d. thick, contributed about 0µl2 and an ultraviolet (UV) adsorption cell contributed between 0.4µl2 to 4.9 µl2, depending on the geometry of the cell. It was also shown that coiling a connecting tube reduced the dispersion significantly at high flow rates, but not at the flow rates normally used with microbore columns.