Critical fields and mixed-state properties of the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDTTTF)2I3

We report on a systematic study of the thermodynamic superconducting properties on high-quality crystals of the quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) organic superconductor κ-(BEDTTTF)2 I3. Low-field magnetization measurements served to determine the lower critical field Bc1. Just below Tc=3.5 K, down to ∼ 3 K, Bc1 perpendicular (⊥) to the highly conducting BEDT-TTF layers is found to be strongly suppressed below the sensitivity limit of the instrumental resolution. This might be an indication for single-vortex fluctuations expected for a strongly 2D superconductor. The critical field Bc2* determined by ac-susceptibility measurements is found to be related to an irreversibility line. The temperature and frequency dependences of Bc2* are consistent with well-established flux-creep models. The upper critical field Bc2 extracted from magnetization measurements is consistent with specific-heat data. For both principal field orientations a crossover of the critical-field slopes |dBc2dT| towards a shallow tail close to Tc is observed. Apparent discrepancies of the thermodynamic critical fields for parallel and perpendicular field orientation are found, indicating either a strongly reduced Bc1 or Bc2.