Beta-Gamma Band Mixing inSm152

High-resolution singles and 4096×2048 Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) coincidence-spectrum measurements have been made to clarify the properties of the β and γ vibrational bands in Sm152. A 2γ2β transition is placed from coincidence experiments and B (E2;2γ2β)B (E2;2γ2g)=1.3±0.4. The B (E2;3γ2β)B (E2;3γ2g)<0.6. Of the six transitions out of the 2γ and 2β levels, the intensities of four were revised from coincidence measurements and new branching ratios obtained. The 2γ4g transition intensity is shown to be too low to allow a one-parameter fit to the γ-band branching ratios.

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