Doubly resonant Raman scattering in the semimagnetic semiconductorCd0.95Mn0.05Te

Doubly resonant Raman scattering (DRRS) has been observed for first-order LO-phonon scattering in the semimagnetic semiconductor Cd0.95 Mn0.05Te (001). The DRRS conditions were realized by tuning the magnetic field, which produces a giant spin splitting of the exciton states due to the strong exchange interaction with the magnetic ions of the crystal. The double resonance was observed with crossed polarizations in the z(σ+,σ)z¯ configuration and reveals a very narrow profile with a half-width Γ=2.3 meV. The analysis of selection rules and excitation energies for double resonance shows that DRRS is connected with the electron transitions from ‖3/2,- 3) / 2 〉 to the ‖3/2,1/2〉 valence states split by exchange interaction.