Empusa species were found on 44 different species of insects representing 20 different families from the following orders: Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Qrthoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Homoptera. The isolates without spores were identified as Empusa by the presence of characteristic coenocytic hyphae ca. 13 μ in diameter. Empusa sphaerosperma and forms of the "E. grylli" type were the most predominant ones among the isolates with spores. Other species included: E. bullata, E. aphidis, E. erupta, and E. muscae. Two unusual forms, one from S. aldrichi, and the other from M. americanum, M. disstria, and M. pluviale, are described. The effectiveness of Empusa species as insect control agents is briefly mentioned.

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