Performance of the ANL Dynamitron Tandem

The Dynamitron Tandem Accelerator is now fully operational at ANL. Measurements of beam performance are reported. The dc proton beam current obtained at 8.0 MeV was 53 μA. Peak pulsed proton and deuteron currents measured with a fast Faraday cup were 110.0 μA at 1.3 nsec FWHM and 700 μA at 2.0 nsec FWHM, respectively. Beam energy stability (ΔE at E) was less than 140 eV at 1.88 MeV and 820 eV at 6.00 MeV as indicated by the thin target yield of 7Li (p,n)7Be and 27A1 (p,n)27Si. Operational experience has shown that the system is highly reliable. The tandem has logged 1800 high voltage operational hours without any service to components within the pressure vessel, since the last opening of the machine over nine months ago.

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