The aim of the present study was to determine whether the secretion of embryo-associated immunosuppressor factor (EASF) by preimplantation embryo correlates with pregnancy outcome and whether this relationship is influenced by pretreatment of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) in patients undergoingin vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). EASF activity was measured using concanavalin A-induced human lymphocyte proliferation assay in 256 embryo growth media obtained from 61 patients undergoing IVF-ET. EASF activity was then correlated with GnRHa treatment and pregnancy outcome in these IVF patients. Results indicate that (i) the presence of immunosuppressive activity in human embryo growth media is associated with success of pregnancy in GnRHa nontreated patients and (ii) serum factors present in GnRHa-treated patients may affect the EASF secretion by preembryosin vitro.