The Fast Shaving Ejection for Beam Transfer from the CPS to the CERN 300 GeV Machine

A fast shaving ejection during 10 or 11 turns is the most promising system for the transfer of the CPS beam to the 300 GeV machine under construction for which the CPS is to be the injector. The scheme uses a pair of fast kickers which shift the beam in 10 or 11 steps across an electrostatic septum, located at a position where the amplitude function is increased to near 100m and the momentum compaction function reduced to near zero. A prototype system has been installed in the CPS and tests have been carried out at 10 GeV/c with bunched and adiabatically debunched beams. The stability of the operation, ejection efficiency, emittance and momentum spread of the ejected beam are of major interest and have been measured. The test results are in agreement with theory and no serious difficulties have been observed.

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