This study estimated national age- and sex-specific nontraumatic hip fracture incidence rates for elderly Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, and Korean Americans. Based on a 50 percent sample of 1992 Medicare enrollees with the race/ethnicity code “Asian” and “other,” cohorts of persons with distinctive Chinese (n = 24,366), Japanese (n = 28,762), and Korean (n = 5,470) names were followed passively for 2 years for a hospitalization with a diagnostic code indicating hip fracture. Cohorts of whites and blacks were followed for comparison. Year of immigration was deduced from the year of issuance of the Social Security number. Age-adjusted hip fracture incidence was lower for all three Asian-American groups than for whites. For females, the standardized fracture ratio relative to whites was 30.1 for Chinese, 73.2 for Japanese, and 52.8 for Koreans; for males, the standardized fracture ratio was 41.9 for Chinese, 58.1 for Japanese, and 90.7 for Koreans. Persons whose Social Security numbers were issued after the Immigration Act of 1965 had an adjusted relative risk of 1.37 (95% confidence interval 1.05–1.78) compared with those in the US before that year, after adjustment for age, sex, and ethnic group. Am J Epidemiol 1997;146:502-9.