Immunoperoxidase detection of myeloid antigens in glycolmethacrylate-embedded human bone marrow.

Different methods for fixation and exposure of antigenic determinants were tested for detection of a granulocytic differentiation antigen by the monoclonal antibody L12-2, using an indirect immunoperoxidase method on semi-thin sections of undecalcified, glycolmethacrylate-embedded human bone marrow biopsies. Fixation in Bouin's solution for 3 hr gave a more intense and more homogeneous immunological staining than fixation in absolute methanol, 4% formalin, B5, or Michel's medium, and the morphological detail was excellent. Digestion by pronase or trypsin was required. Coating the glass slides with Alcian blue prevented loss of sections from the slides during the staining procedure. Bouin fixation also made possible detection of two other differentiation antigens expressed in the granulocytic series, using the monoclonal antibodies 1G10 and R1B19. Furthermore, the same technique also permitted detection of factor VIII-RAg in the megakaryocytes, as well as recognition of cells of the erythroid series by use of polyclonal rabbit antisera.