Study of the decay D+K¯0¯e+νe

We have studied the exclusive semileptonic decay mode D+K¯0 e+ νe in the Fermilab photoproduction experiment E691. We find the ratio of B(D+K¯0 e+ νe)/B(D+K π+ π+) to be 0.66±0.09±0.14, corresponding to a D+K¯0 e+ νe branching ratio of 6.1±0.9±1.6)%. Combining this result with our measurement of the D+ lifetime, we find Γ(D+K¯0 e+ νe)=(5.6±0.8±1.5)×1010 s1. We also find, using E691 averages, the ratio of decay rates Γ(DK*eν)/Γ(DKeν) to be 0.55±0.14.