Resetting fast phases of head and eye and their linkage in the frog

(1) Compensatory slow phase movements were evoked by optokinetic, vestibular and combined optokinetic and vestibular stimulation. Superimposed fast phases resetting the position of the head (in space) and of the eye (in head) were recorded with a magnetic field search coil in unrestrained and head fixed frogs, respectively. (2) Head fast phases recorded during optokinetic stimulation covaried in the frequency of their occurrence with slow phase head velocity. Their amplitude was large (average 18.9 ±8.9 °), maximal velocity increased with amplitude by 6.67 °/deg, and duration (average 230 ±33 ms) was almost independent on amplitude. (3) Ocular fast phases rarely occurred during sinusoidal stimulation and neither optokinetic after nystagmus nor postrotatory nystagmus were observed. Fast phases, evoked by constant velocity optokinetic or acceleratory stimuli, consisted of two components: a primary resetting fast phase and a smaller fast movement in the opposite direction. The primary fast phase had a small amplitude (average 2.2 ±1.3 °). In different stimulus conditions fast phase parameters were very similar. Maximal velocity increased by 6.5 °/s/deg. Duration (average 165 ±23.4 ms) was variable. (4) During ocular fast phases the vestibulo-collic and the optokinetic-collic reflexes were suppressed. The slow phase head velocity either became zero or a small head fast phase in the direction of the ocular fast phase occurred. Fast phase head movements were accompanied by an ocular fast phase or by a retraction of one or both eyes, depending on the amplitude of the head fast phase. At the end of a head fast phase eye position was always recentered.