Electrical Properties of Ferric Oxyhydroxides

The electrical conductivity of α-FeOOH, β-FeOOH, and γ-FeOOH was measured in dry air at room temperature in the frequency range of dc to 10 MHz under various pressures of 9–150 kg/cm2. The logarithm of conductivity, log σ, shows a linear relationship with the ratio of true density to apparent density, d0/d′, of the samples compressed at different pressures. σ1 at 7 MHz, determined by extrapolating the logσ vs. d0/d′ plots to unity of d0/d′, is proportional to the number of the nearest iron atoms with identical spin. The conductivity increases with increasing frequency f. The ac conductivity σac which equals σ minus σdc, where σdc is the dc conductivity, is proportional to fs (0.6<sd-electron in the t2g-orbital of Fe2+ to the t2g-orbital of adjacent Fe3+, through a slight overlapping of t2g-orbitals of Fe2+ and Fe3+.

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