Photoionization of Vibrationally Excited Nitrogen

A quadrupole mass spectrometer with a photoionization source has been used in conjunction with a flowing nitrogen afterglow to obtain the photoionization spectrum of vibrationally excited nitrogen (N2* ) at a spectral resolution of 0.03 nm in the interval 79.58–84.20 nm. This wavelength interval lies below the photoionization threshold of N2 (v″=0) . More than 50 new preionized bands and an underlying continuum have been observed. Many of the new bands are attributed to preionized transitions between N2 (X  1Σg+, v″=1 to 4) and Rydberg states belonging to series that converge either to N2+ (A  2Πu) or to vibrationally excited levels of N2+ (X  2Σg+) . From estimates of the concentrations of various vibrationally excited states of N2 and measurements of the ionizing photon flux as a function of wavelength, we have estimated the photoionization coefficients of the new preionized bands and continuum. The relative probabilities of various transitions from N2* to the preionized Rydberg states are different from transitions to the same upper states from N2 (v″=0) owing to different Franck—Condon factors. The N2* continuum is a sum of continua from all of the vibrational states, each of which rises only slowly from threshold because of the unfavorable transition probability for direct ionization of N2 when Δ v ≠ 0 . Many of the preionized bands can be attributed in large part to a specific vibrationally excited level, and the application of photoionization as a sensitive tool for studying kinetic processes involving N2* is proposed. A detection limit of 1011 molecules/cm3 is obtainable with the present apparatus. Preliminary experiments on the quenching of N2* by N2O and CO2 are reported.