Binding of platelet factor 4 to heparin oligosaccharides

Heparin fractions of differing Mr (7800-18 800) prepared from commercial heparin by gel filtration and affinity chromatography on immobilized anti-thrombin III had specific activities when determined by anti-Factor Xa and anti-thrombin assays that ranged from 228 to 448 units/mg. The anti-Factor Xa activity of these fractions could be readily and totally neutralized by increasing concentrations of platelet factor 4 (PF4). That these fractions bound to immobilized PF4 was indicated by the complete binding under near physiological conditions of 3H-labelled unfractionated commercial heparin. An anti-thrombin III-binding oligosaccharide preparation (containing predominantly eight to ten saccharide units), prepared by degradation of heparin with HNO2 had high (800 units/mg) anti-Factor Xa, but negligible anti-thrombin, specific activity. The anti-Factor Xa activity of this material could not be readily neutralized by PF4, and the 3H-labelled oligosaccharides did not completely bind to immobilized PF4. A heterogeneous anti-thrombin III-binding preparation containing upwards of 16 saccharides had anti-thrombin specific activity of just less than one-half the anti-Factor Xa specific activity. This material was completely bound to immobilized PF4 and was eluted with similar concentrations of NaCl to those that were required to elute unfractionated heparins from these columns. Furthermore, increasing concentrations of PF4 neutralized the anti-Factor Xa activity of this material in a manner similar to that of unfractionated heparin. It is concluded that heparin oligosaccharides require saccharide units in addition to the anti-thrombin III-binding sequence in order to fully interact with PF4.