A cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was found to be comparable to the open-column (OCC) method for measuring six different B6 compounds in human plasma and the L-tyrosine apodecarboxylase (LTD) assay for pyridoxal-P (PLP). Plasma samples were obtained from 9 subjects before and after 7 days of pyridoxine (PN) supplementation. PLP, pyridoxal (PL) and 4-pyridoxic acid (4-PA) were the major B6 compounds in plasma and the only compounds which increased after supplementation. The coefficients of correlation between any 2 of the 3 methods in measuring plasma PLP were greater than 0.93, and between HPLC and OCC in quantifying PL and 4-PA were 0.82 and 0.63, respectively. With the low plasma levels of pyridoxamine-P, PN and pyridoxamine, the results from OCC were consistently higher than those from HPLC. However, recoveries of spiked B6 compounds in plasma by these methods were between 84 to 105 percent for all the 5 vitamers and 4-PA.