Crystallization on supercooled liquid in metallic Zr-Cu-Al glasses

Crystallization behaviors are isothermally examined on supercooled‐liquid and amorphous states in metallic Zr‐Al‐Cu glasses using differential scanning calorimetry. On the basis of a kinetic analysis, it is examined that the crystallization occurs with a zero nucleation rate below the glass transition temperature Tg and a nearly steady‐state nucleation rate above Tg. Arrhenius relation between effective time lag τ of nucleation and isothermal temperature appears as a curvature for alloys revealing a wide supercooled liquid region and a straight line for alloys without wider supercooled‐liquid region. The differences are attributed to the effects of viscosity on nucleation at supercooled liquid. The difference in morphology during crystallization between amorphous and supercooled‐liquid states was also confirmed.