Determination of Fluoride in Atmospheric Samples Using Macrocycle-Based Ion Chromatography

The analysis of fluoride in atmospheric samples poses challenges to current available methods. Ion cnromatographic methods often suffer from interferences due to elution of the fluoride peak in the water dip and coelution of weakly retained organic acid anions. A separation system using a macrocycle-based ion cnromatographic column provides a fast, effective method for the separation of fluoride in complex matrices. The macrocycle-based system shows better resolution of fluoride than traditional ion cnromatographic methods, separating fluoride from both the water dip and the organic acid anions. Isocratic elution with a hydroxide eluent allows for a detection limit of 0.15 μM with a linear response between 0.4 and 150 μM. Results compare favorably with known values and those obtained by ion selective electrode analysis.